You are in the room with two doors trying to escape a trapped house and must escape I wish you luck and enjoy this experience.
You can open either the [[red]] door or the [[purple]] door.
You entered the red door and you see that there is something wrong here.
Do you [[go back]] or [[continue]] You entered the purple door and you see that there is a object in front of you.
Do you [[pick up the object]] or you [[leave it alone]]You went back and you have the choice of going through the [[purple]] door
you went to the purple door and you see that there is an object. you continue on and you fell in a pit and can't get out.
you picked up the object and it is a rope that might be usefull.
Now you come up on the [[green]] door and [[blue]] left the object alone and continued on where you find another two doors.
you can go through the [[green]] door or [[blue]] door. You entered the green door and you journey your way of trying to escape and there is a drop.
[[item]]you entered the blue door and it was a trap and you get burned up.
you head back to the [[green]] door. [[rope]]you use your rope and you tie it to a object that is sturdy and you start [[climbing down]]. you climbed down and you have 3 doors.
you can go through the [[orange]] door, [[pink]] door, or the [[white]] door. you go through the orange door and you fall to your death then you spawned back at the place you were [[climbing down]]. you go through the ping door and you walk into spikes and you go back to the place where you were [[climbing down]].you start dashing for the white door and you opened the white door and have escaped.